Friday, January 18, 2013

~~~Happy Friday~~~

Just a few points of mind I'm having right now. Again, successful nap day for both boys so some much needed quiet and thought time was needed for me today. I've had a heavy heart today and I can't quite pin point why or what it is, but writing on here seems to clear the air........deep breath :)

I have come to a time where I officially miss shopping and am missing my friends back in the cities terribly. I am so used to going all the time that when we moved here it forced us to stay home and be content. I am still so happy with that but have missed my shopping trips...........though Jeremiah would say I'm probably doing ok if you ask the UPS driver delivering packages ;) However, here is not to complain because it has made me focus on so much more and thanks to the wonderful world of Pinterest I have been able to be more creative as well and have the time to actually do some of those ridiculous things that some people seem to post and do every day.

I realized today as well that I have not been baking and decorating desserts like I was and I feel it is something I am missing. So new announcement, I am also going to be starting up a blog for this. I am going to focus on it being gluten free as well and will begin to start a menu and taking orders. So look for that to come shortly. 

I saw this great idea, on pinterest of course, called a calming jar I made it this afternoon and we are going to begin using it when the boys feel they need some time to unwind. The other day at MOPS we made magnets with inspirational quotes and verses to put around the house. One of the ones I made says "Have you prayed about it as much as you have talked about it" This one struck a cord with me because I feel some of the issues we deal with with Oakley I am constantly going to other people for advice. "what would you do?" "Is your son the same way" "I'll take any advice I can get" I go to God about everything now, except that. I will pray "God give me patience" or "God help me deal with the situation better" Instead of praying for a change of hearts for both of us and for God to take control of the situation. When I do this and start my day like this..........yup its a good day and Oakley seems almost perfect. Once again, a perfect example that we can control nothing!
        It just brings me to tears and I just cannot see how people can go around and say for some reason it all worked out, or some one was really looking out for us. To me this leaves the door open for other ideas of what or who really gave you everything. Let's just give credit where credit is due!!! Let's not be a Judas and beat around the bush to not "offend" anyone.
I made it a little darker than it needed to be. But same effect!  

I haven't posted recipes this week, its been an off week for family dinners. But we have been able to successfully stay gluten free for another week. It is definitely becoming a way of life and its easier than I thought it would be so far. Jeremiah and I had honey-lemon shrimp again. Cauliflower dough pizza, chicken and potatoes. Again, it was an easy laid back week, but my eggplants are still good and some tofu is waiting for us in the fridge so more to come next time!! 
Have a great weekend! We are headed to Sioux Falls Sunday, not excited at all or counting down the hours ;);)

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